Design, constructs, photography, pre-press files, magazine advertising, brochures, annual reports, flyers, rack cards, business cards, graphics.
The following examples of brochures, magazine ads and oversized graphics illustrate the passion I have for print. There are no algorithms, search engine relevancy, outdated browsers or wi-fi issues. There aren’t multiple devices. There is just your targeted clients, one-on-one with media in-hand. The photography, colors and message are the same for everyone. When print and web advertising have visual continuity and pull in the same direction, good things happen.

Fold-out brochure for a leading national subcontractor for specialty building interiors and equipment. Two-sided 6″x6″ pocket cards outlined trade services and company qualifications. Each block face was mapped with a project photo or Rubik color to represent a collection of projects. ‘Solving’ the cube completed the job photos. The Rubik frames and cubes were built in my studio to animate the transition from individual trades to completed interior.
A parody on architecture and process.
“I first met Dan when I was the office manager for a leading architectural firm. He did a piece entitled GAMES, where he photographed this extraordinary collection of games, then wrote the ‘Rules of the (Architectural) Game’. From the original print version which was part of our new brochure, we had the layout enlarged to 6’ x 16’ for our lobby. Visitors would study the piece at length, and great conversations always followed. Dan is amazing.”
Lori Pearce, Owner, Inroads Info

GAMES – Rules of the Game.pdf
The process of estimating building costs based on engineering options finds a visual counterpart in clay sculpture. Starting with blocks of clay, textures and design options are evaluated until the right combination is built. (line items in a cost estimate) Both clay urn and cost estimate need to withstand the fire of the kiln (budget) to complete the process. My artist friend was able to create the clay slabs, build the urn and provide ‘kiln’ bricks from his backyard.

‘MORE CONTACT – LESS PADDING’ Football season billboard photography for a Scottsdale cosmetic surgeon.

The ability to target readership interest while maintaining a visual presence in any industry drives the print press. My clients are very surgical about finding the right publications to distribute their message. They are not in the magazine for name recognition alone, They want their print media to barge into the room and make a scene. They want memorability…
Nextworld Media – Getting your message right…
Dan Watts, T. 480 221 8276 E.dan@nextworldmedia.com
Half page ads for glossy and newsprint publications.